Thursday 6 October 2011

Tim Burton- Evaluation.

From recently researching and investigating into Tim Burtons creative art work and film productions he is not only an amazing film director but an amazing artist and writter he has also been known for composing in some of films alongside Danny Elfman. I have been really inspired by his work and it is clear that he is well known for being a complete genius in the industry.
He has a gothical style in his films which creates a feeling of being in a fantacy world which attracts a wide audience. Films such as Alice In Wonderland and The Nighmare Before Chrismtas,Sweeny Tod etc... have represented this on-going theme. His art work is also well recognised as it has recently been displayed in the Museum Of Modern Art in NYC.
Tim has a strong relationship with actors such as Jhonny Depp that have appeared in a number of his films, he is also known for working with his partner Helen Bonham Carter who has done many voice overs and played parts in his films, She has also been in Harry Potter and is a well known famous actress. Tim has an estimated fortune of 80 million, his creative talents and unique imaginative mind reflect his fortune.

1 comment:

  1. Good work Tilly. The skills you have developed making this presenation will help with the next Audience and Institution project
