Monday 7 May 2012

How is class and status represented in “The Street”?

How is class and status represented in “The Street”?
In this clip of The Street lower class are being represented. In the beginning of the clip as we see the establishing shot is the interior of a terrace house from a long shot and a couple arguing behind a door whilst their children are in what appears to be the living room watching football, we see this through a mid shot. The editing in this shot is fast cuts from the wife shouting, to the husband and then to the children in the living room. There are eleven shots in total. This shows us their reactions to the argument and the audience get the feeling that the arguing is normal to them. The dialogue in the clip refers to swearing and aggresive converstions about the children breaking something and the husband being the one who has to work hard for the money. The sound in this clip is a syncourous as we can childrens tv in the background which is contrary of what you would expect whilst listening to an argument.
The key charactors are the blonde wife who appears to not work and be a housewife, her husband Arthur who is seen a white vest that is stereo typically known as being a "wife beater". The three children and the neighbour.

1 comment:

  1. This is rather short, Tilly? Some accurate points made but not enough length here.

    Keep trying and well done this year; your polite and gentle manner has not gone unnoticed! Good luck in the exam.
