Monday 14 November 2011

How is disability represented.

How is disability represented in the clip.
We see disability as perhaps mental health, someone with a loss of a limb, burns and speach impediments however,.
Disability in this clip gives the viewer a sense of sympathy. It is being portrayed as a negative thing as we see the man going to try and get his job back and being rejected.
We see at the beggining one side of his face without the scaring, the mise en scene being in an industrial area, and as the conversation goes on between him and his ex work mates, the camera shows the other side to his face and we immedietley sympathise with him. The camera focuses on the burns and scaring and uses close ups. As he is rejected it shows him walking away, and this is blurred, he is also behind fencing, and what looks to be metal bars, this could signify the fact he is trapped within his disability and is struggling to move on in his life as he now hasnt got a job. Over the shoulder shots are used to show the audience and the viewers what each charactor can see, for example, the over shoulder shots with the worker show the young mans scaring and burns. Within the conversation there is an awkward tension between the charactors as it is beccoming clear that they dont want him to have his job back, they offer him minimum wage which he later on refuses.
After this, we see him walking up his road which appears to be on a council estate with an industrial background, we see his girlfriend getting out of a taxi with her shopping, (which could suggest they can not afford cars) he goes up behind her to help her with her bags and she screams, this suggests that she finds him to be scary looking, but goes on to justify that he had jumped her.
The charactor then goes on and we see him in a mid shot walking up the street looking quite angry and upset. Non-diagetic sounds of military music suggesting he is a man on a mission. He goes to the Army office and trys to get a job with them as he could " scare the shit out of the enemy". At this point we feel sorry for him as he has cleary become desperate for a job and seems to be feeling on his own.

1 comment:

  1. Some good observations, Tilly. Try to develop some of them more fully, like the non-diegetic music and the relevance of the mise-en-scene in the army office.
