Tuesday 22 November 2011

Class and Status.


Made in Chelsea follows the lives of the rich, living in the upper class area of London (Chelsea). They have conversations about their love lifes, friendships etc. They are dressed smartly every day and look presentable and classy wearing suits and heels. They are well spoken and show respect for themselves. In the clip we saw one of the boys meeting up with his friends before an interview. The mise en scene suggests its an upper class area from the expensive cars and flash taste off designer gear. Their filthy rich ways are what makes the reality series interesting and desirable. The establishing shot in this episode shows The houses of Parlament, The London Eye and other such British tourist attractions including Big Ben. There is then a jump cut to the wealthy streets of Chelsea and the two reality stars walking in a park. We see from just watching 5 minutes in, that this is representing class and status by following the lives of a popular group of wealthy friends living in Chelsea, a desirable place in Britain, home to many other stars such as Tamara Ecclestone, daughter of the Formula One Boss Bernie Ecclestone.

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