Friday 16 September 2011

The Male Gaze.

This is a Calvin Klein advertisement showing an example of the Male Gaze. The image is a mid-shot of a male model in Calvin Klein underwear. The black underwear could have colour connotations of seduction.
His face structure and expression shows a sense of being fierce. The strong stance as he is seen in not only looks strong but some what inviting, for example the way he has his hand resting on his boxers which title "Calvin Klein" which also associates with status. This would be appealing to the opposite sex, or even males, longing to look like the model.
The way the camera angle is focused on the upper torso with the model looking straight into the lens,shows a feeling of  power. The colour red can relate to a faster heart beat and breathing, and sympolizes love, and passion, the choice of back groud which  is represented in this advert. It also draws attention to the Calvin Klein label accros his chest area. The background also makes the model seem a darker colour which is fashionably attractive. The model looks free, and gives the impression of an easy life which would attract any women, this could be in the hope that many women would go out and buy their boyfriend/ husband the underwear.

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